Taomi Village, Taiwan

Following the 1999 earthquake, Taomi aimed to rebuild their community. Villagers co-operated with government units, NPOs, and academic institutions to foster ecotourism development and to bring greater attention to self-governance and long-term sustainability.

Establishing Village Association as Commoning Structure

Taomi Community Development Association is one of the earliest self-organised communal managements in Taomi, connecting villagers through common interests, e.g. hobby groups, mutual aid groups. Villagers are involved in village governance and communal management of village resources.

Fostering Stewardship through Capacity Building

NPOs help introduce concepts of community empowerment, benefit-sharing, and ecological practices. Villagers learned more about environmental awareness, and they now know how to embrace their role in protecting the environment, plants and animals! This aids in finding a balance between ecological needs and economic sustainability of the village.

Paper Dome, relocated to Taomi and donated by Japan, is now a community space (Photo | New Homeland Foundation)
Ecotourism activity (Photo | New Homeland Foundation)


  • 江大樹;張力亞 (2008)。社區營造中組織信任的機制建構:以桃米生態村為例。東吳政治學報,26(1),pp 87-142。
  • 梁艷;沈一 (2015)。台灣農村災後重建中的社區營造及對大陸的啟示 —— 以台中埔里鎮桃米社區為例。國際城市規劃,30(5),pp 116-119。
  • 財團法人新故鄉文教基金會 (n.d.)。 http://paperdome.homeland.org.tw/
